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Michael N Routledge

NameMichael N Routledge

Technical postProfessor

Address7.28 LIGHT building,Leeds, UK



BSc Cell   Biology (Hons) - University of Newcastle upon Tyne 1986
  DPhil - University of York 1991
  I obtained my degree in cell biology at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne   in 1986 and went on to complete a DPhil in chemical carcinogenesis at the   University of York in 1991. I completed postdoctoral fellowships at the NCI   Frederick Cancer Research & Development Center in Frederick, Maryland,   the University of York and the University of Leicester.

Professional   Experience

I was   appointed as a Senior Lecturer in Applied Toxicology at De Montfort   University, from 1998-2000. In 2000 I moved to the School of Medicine at   Leeds as a Lecturer in Molecular Epidemiology. I was appointed Associate   Professor in 2013 and now focus on mycotoxin research (exposure and health   effects, especially for aflatoxin in Africa) and toxicity of urban   particulate matter. I am also lead in several student education areas for the   School and University.

Scientific Research Field

1.      Areas of expertise
  My areas of expertise include environmental toxicology; biomarkers of   exposure; aflatoxin exposure and health; mycotoxins; nanoparticle toxicity;   air pollution particulate toxicity.
  2.    Research interests
  Mycotoxins are produced by fungi that grow on food crops. Although they occur   around the globe, the most toxic, such as aflatoxin, are a major health   concern in warm humid countries such as in sub-Saharan Africa and South East   Asia.
  In the cross-faculty Mycotoxin Research Group, we use laboratory analytical   methods to measure biomarkers of mycotoxin exposure in blood or urine from   exposed populations, and epidemiological methods to assess the health impact   of this exposure.

Social academic post and honor

We have worked   closely with colleagues in Tanzania and the Gambia to study health impacts on   children. One of these impacts is on impairment of child growth:   http://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-018-6164-4.
  I have also worked on the toxicity of urban particulate matter for several   years. Ultrafine particles such as those present in traffic exhaust emissions   contribute greatly to the toxic effects of air pollution. They can induce DNA   damage, a first step in carcinogenesis. Recently we have investigated the   impact of particulates on blood clotting, as a possible mechanism by which   particles can induce cardiovascular events such as heart attack.
  DOI: 10.1160/TH17-05-0362

Teaching Courses

As Associate   Professor of Environmental Toxicology in the School of Medicine at Leeds, I   am involved in teaching medical science to students in the first year of   their medical degree and has a pastoral role for second year students.
  I am involved in teaching medical courses related to my expertise   (environmental toxicology; biomarkers of exposure; aflatoxin exposure and   health; mycotoxins; nanoparticle toxicity; air pollution particulate   toxicity).
  MOOCs and Free Online Courses:
  Causes of Human Disease: Nutrition and Environment
  Causes of Human Disease: Transmitting and Fighting Infection

Published   papers

1.   Publications
  [1].Watson S, Moore SE, Darboe MK, Chen G, Tu Y-K, Huang Y-T, Eriksen KG,   Bernstein RM, Prentice AM, Wild CP, Xu Y, Routledge MN, Gong YY. 2018.   Impaired growth in rural Gambian infants exposed to aflatoxin: a prospective   cohort study. BMC Public Health. 18  
  [2]Xu Y, Gong YY, Routledge MN. 2018. Aflatoxin exposure assessed by   aflatoxin albumin adduct biomarker in populations from six African countries.   World Mycotoxin Journal; Mycotoxins in Africa. 11(3), pp. 411-419  
  [3]Deng C, Li C, Zhou S, Wang X, Xu H, Wang D, Gong YY, Routledge MN, Zhao Y,   Wu Y. 2018. Risk assessment of deoxynivalenol in high-risk area of China by   human biomonitoring using an improved high throughput UPLC-MS/MS method.   Scientific Reports. 8  
  [3]Chen G, Gong YY, Kimanya ME, Shirima CP, Routledge MN. 2018. Comparison of   urinary aflatoxin M1 and aflatoxin albumin adducts as biomarkers for   assessing aflatoxin exposure in Tanzanian children. Biomarkers. 23(2), pp.   131-136 
  [4]Pan X, Gong YY, Xu Y, Ariens RAS, Routledge MN. 2018. Urban Particulate   Matter Induces Changes in Gene Expression in Vascular Endothelial Cells that   Are Associated with Altered Clot Structure In Vitro. Thrombosis and Haemostasis.   118(2), pp. 266-278  
  [5]Van Baak TE, Coarfa C, Dugué P-A, Fiorito G, Laritsky E, Baker MS, Kessler   NJ, Dong J, Duryea JD, Silver MJ, Saffari A, Prentice AM, Moore SE, Ghantous   A, Routledge MN, Gong YY, Herceg Z, Vineis P, Severi G, Hopper JL, Southey   MC, Giles GG, Milne RL, Waterland RA. 2018. Epigenetic supersimilarity of   monozygotic twin pairs. Genome Biology. 19 
  [6]Xu Y, Doel A, Watson S, Routledge MN, Elliott CT, Moore SE, Gong YY. 2017.   Study of an Educational Hand Sorting Intervention for Reducing Aflatoxin B₁   in Groundnuts in Rural Gambia. Journal of Food Protection. 80(1), pp. 44-49    
  [7]Watson S, Gong YY, Routledge M. 2017. Interventions Targeting Child   Undernutrition in Developing Countries May Be Undermined by Dietary Exposure   to Aflatoxin. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 57(9), pp.   1963-1975  
  [8]Pan X, Gong YY, Martinelli I, Angelici L, Favero C, Bertazzi PA, Mannucci   PM, Ariëns RAS, Routledge MN. 2016. Fibrin clot structure is affected by   levels of particulate air pollution exposure in patients with venous   thrombosis. Environment International. 92-93, pp. 70-76  
  [9]Silver MJ, Kessler NJ, Hennig BJ, Dominguez-Salas P, Laritsky E, Baker MS,   Coarfa C, Hernandez-Vargas H, Castelino JM, Routledge MN, Gong YY, Herceg Z,   Lee YS, Lee K, Moore SE, Fulford AJ, Prentice AM, Waterland RA. 2015.   Independent genomewide screens identify the tumor suppressor VTRNA2-1 as a   human epiallele responsive to periconceptional environment. Genome Biology.   16  
  [10]Hernandez-Vargas H, Castelino J, Silver MJ, Dominguez-Salas P, Cros MP,   Duramd G, Le Calvez-Kelm F, Prentice AM, Wild CP, Moore SE, Hennig BJ, Herceg   Z, Gong YY, Routledge MN. 2015. Exposure to aflatoxin B1 in utero is   associated with DNA methylation in white blood cells of infants in The   Gambia. International Journal of Epidemiology. 44(4), pp. 1238-1248  
  [11]Shirima CP, Kimanya ME, Routledge MN, Srey C, Kinabo JL, Humpf H-U, Wild   CP, Tu Y-K, Gong YY. 2015. A Prospective Study of Growth and Biomarkers of   Exposure to Aflatoxin and Fumonisin during Early Childhood in Tanzania.   Environmental Health Perspectives. 123(2), pp. 173-178  
  [12]Mu Q, Hondow NS, Krzemiński L, Brown AP, Jeuken LJC, Routledge MN. 2012.   Mechanism of cellular uptake of genotoxic silica nanoparticles.. Part Fibre   Toxicol. 9, p. 29  
  [13]Gong YY, Wilson S, Mwatha JK, Routledge MN, Castelino JM, Zhao B, Kimani   G, Kariuki HC, Vennervald BJ, Dunne DW, Wild CP. 2012. Aflatoxin exposure may   contribute to chronic hepatomegaly in Kenyan school children.. Environ Health   Perspect. 120(6), pp. 893-896  
  [14]Metassan S, Routledge MN, Lucking AJ, Uitte de Willige S, Philippou H,   Mills NL, Newby DE, Ariëns RA. 2010. Fibrin clot structure remains unaffected   in young, healthy individuals after transient exposure to diesel exhaust..   Part Fibre Toxicol. 7, p. 17
  [15]Forchhammer L, Johansson C, Loft S, Möller L, Godschalk RWL, Langie SAS,   Jones GDD, Kwok RWL, Collins AR, Azqueta A, Phillips DH, Sozeri O, Stepnik M,   Palus J, Vogel U, Wallin H, Routledge MN, Handforth C, Allione A, Matullo G,   Teixeira JP, Costa S, Riso P, Porrini M, Møller P. 2010. Variation in the   measurement of DNA damage by comet assay measured by the ECVAG   inter-laboratory validation trial.. Mutagenesis. 25(2), pp. 113-123
  [16]Metassan S, Charlton AJ, Routledge MN, Scott DJA, Ariëns RAS. 2010.   Alteration of fibrin clot properties by ultrafine particulate matter.. Thromb   Haemost. 103(1), pp. 103-113
  [17]Whibley C, Odell AF, Nedelko T, Balaburski G, Murphy M, 投注平台 Z, Stevens L,   Walker JH, Routledge M, Hollstein M. 2010. Wild-type and human HUPKI (human   P53 knock-in) murine embryonic fibroblasts: P53/ARF pathway disruption in   spontaneous escape from senescence.. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 285,   pp. 11326-11335
  [18]Davies J, Burke D, Olliver JR, Hardie LJ, Wild CP, Routledge MN. 2007.   Methylene blue but not indigo carmine causes DNA damage to colonocytes in   vitro and in vivo at concentrations used in clinical chromoendoscopy. Gut.   56(1), pp. 155-156
  (To see other papers, please refer to the attached documents)

Main Scientific Research Projects:

Aflatoxin   exposure and associated immune function damage in young children (ongoing):
  Goal: This project examines the mechanisms through which aflatoxin exposure   cause immune system dysregulation in young children using human epidemiological   studies and in vitro bioassays.
  Biomarker diagnosis of a recent aflatoxicosis outbreak in Tanzania   (archived):
  Goal: Our research Lab was involved in analysing blood samples collected by   World Health Organisation (WHO) for aflatoxin-albumin adduct biomarker during   the aflatoxicosis outbreak in Tanzania in 2016. During this outbreak, at   least 14 deaths linked to the Dodoma and Manyara incidents were recorded   while there were 53 suspected cases.
  Evaluation of Dietary Exposure to Mycotoxins in Young Children (archived):
  Goal: This project evaluated the contribution of mycotoxins to child health   burden in Tanzania.
  Assessing health burdens of aflatoxin in Tanzania and developing models to   predict aflatoxin risk - capacity building and pump priming research   (ongoing):
  Goal: The proposed pump-priming research is anticipated to provide a research   framework and methodology to the GCRF-AFRICAP project. The project will   estimate health risk by investigating aflatoxin in food and exposure   biomarkers in Tanzanian children utilising an established cohort, and   calculate the expected health burden using the Disability Adjusted Life Years   (DALYs) according to the WHO food-borne disease burden estimate method.
  Mycotoxins as a Risk Factor in Childhood Growth Impairment Worldwide   (ongoing):
  The project is geared towards understanding the mechanistic pathways through   which mycotoxins contribute to child growth impairment.


Scientific Research Achievements and Awards

Our work has   made an impact on awareness and policy-making in sub-Saharan Africa, through   collaboration with the East Africa Community and the Partnership for   Aflatoxin Control in Africa.

Number of   postgraduates under supervision

Number of   supervised masters and Ph.D.

Number of   supervised undergraduates

The above   information updated

Sep. 2019

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